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Community Supports

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What is Community Supports?

These are a range of services and resource services that help improve Medi-Cal Managed Care Plan (MCP) members’ overall health by addressing needs like housing, meals, and personal care. 

Download the fact sheet below.

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We Offer 2 out of the 14 Community Support Services

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Services We Provide

Here at Elderlove USA, we provide Respite Care and Personal Care/Homemaker Services as part of the Medi-Cal Community Supports program.


For details or to get started, contact us; for other services, reach out to your Medi-Cal Managed Care Plan provider.

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Respite Services

Short-term relief for caregivers of members. Members may receive caregiver services in their home or in an approved facility on an hourly, daily, or nightly basis as needed

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Personal Care & Homemaker Services

Assistance with Activities of Daily Living . This includes in-home care services such as bathing, meal preparation, accompaniment to medical appointments, and more

Other Community Supports Services

Housing Transition  Navigation Services

Members experiencing homelessness or at risk of experiencing homelessness receive help to find, apply for, and secure housing.


Housing Deposits

Members receive assistance with housing security deposits, utilities set-up fees, first and last month’s rent, and first month of utilities. Members can also receive funding for medically-necessary items like air conditioners, heaters, and hospital beds to ensure their new home is safe for move-in.

Housing Tenancy and Sustaining Services

Members receive support to maintain safe and stable tenancy once housing is secured, such as coordination with landlords to address issues, assistance with the annual housing recertification process, and linkage to community resources to prevent eviction.


Short-Term Post-Hospitalization Housing


Members who do not have a residence, and who have high medical or mental health and substance use disorder needs, receive short-term housing for up to six months to continue their recovery.


To receive this support, members must also have been discharged from an inpatient clinical setting, residential substance use disorder treatment or recovery facility, residential mental health treatment facility, correctional facility, nursing facility, or recuperative care.

Recuperative Care (Medical Respite)

Members with unstable housing who no longer require hospitalization, but still need to heal from an injury or illness, receive short-term residential care.

The residential care includes housing, meals, ongoing monitoring of the member’s condition, and other services like coordination of transportation to appointments.


Day Habilitation Programs


Members who are experiencing homelessness, are at risk of experiencing homelessness, or formerly experienced homelessness, receive mentoring by a trained caregiver on the self-help, social, and adaptive skills needed to live successfully in the community.


These skills include the use of public transportation, cooking, cleaning, managing personal finances, dealing with and responding appropriately to governmental agencies and personnel, and developing and maintaining interpersonal relationships. This support can be provided in a member’s home or in an out-of-home, nonfacility setting.

Nursing Facility Transition/ Diversion to Assisted Living Facilities

Members living at home or in a nursing facility are transferred to an assisted living facility to live in their community and avoid institutionalization in a nursing facility, when possible.


Assisted living facilities provide services to establish a community facility residence such as support with daily living activities, medication oversight, and 24-hour onsite direct care staff.


Community Transition Services/ Nursing Facility Transition to a Home

Members transitioning from a nursing facility to a private residence where they will be responsible for their own expenses, receive funding for set-up services such as security deposits, set-up fees for utilities, and health-related appliances, such as air conditioners, heaters, or hospital beds.

Environmental Accessibility Adaptations (Home Modifications)

Members receive physical modifications to their home to ensure their health and safety, and allow them to function with greater independence. Home modifications can include ramps and grab-bars, doorway widening for members who use a wheelchair, stair lifts, or making bathrooms wheelchair accessible.


MedicallySupportive Food/ Medically Tailored Meals

Members receive deliveries of nutritious, prepared meals and healthy groceries to support their health needs.


Members also receive vouchers for healthy food and/or nutrition education.

Sobering Centers

Members who are found to be publicly intoxicated are provided with a short-term, safe, supportive environment in which to become sober.

Sobering centers provide services such as medical triage, a temporary bed, meals, substance use education and counseling, and linkage to other health care services.


Asthma Remediation

Members receive physical modifications to their home to avoid acute asthma episodes due to environmental triggers like mold.


Modifications can include filtered vacuums, dehumidifiers, air filters, and ventilation improvements.

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Nonprofit 501(c)(3) Organization: 81-3044392

CA Home Care Organization License #: 334700206

NPI: 1386328300

Contact Us

Fax: 760-766-1440

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Mailing Addresses

41550 Eclectic St, Palm Desert, CA 92260 
(Inside the RAP Foundation) - Corporate HQ

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320 N E St, Suite 302B, San Bernardino, CA 92401 (Inside the Historic Enterprise Building)

1959 S Power Rd #103-230, Mesa, AZ 85206

© 2016-2024 by Elder Love USA, Inc. 

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